Specifically, Ray (2001) described the invisible work required by parents in parenting a child with a chronic illness or disability and  the skilled responsibilities parents assume that need to be made visible.

Ray: 主詞
described: 動詞
the invisible work/ the skilled responsibilities: 受詞
required...or disability/ parents assume: 分詞or句子做形容詞
and: 連接詞(連接兩個受詞)
that need to be made visible: 句子修飾兩個受詞

譯: 確切地說,雷(Ray)在一篇2001年出版的論文中描述,對於撫養患有慢性病或者身心上障礙的孩子們的父母,這無形的職責(註1)是必要的,另外父母得承擔的技術責任(註2)。雷建議這兩方面得{公諸於世/讓大家知道}(如此孩子才能獲得該有的保障)。

(XXX): 補充說明


根據文中: Inmaking the invisible, visible, parents had to overcome three barriers: 1) he'snot the Rain Man (我的小孩不是所謂的雨人[←台灣翻譯]), 2) society's lack of knowledge and understanding(社會缺乏對自閉症小孩的知識與了解, and 3)doing it on our own. (我們自己處理(輔導)我們的孩子) 父母親得做到以上三點。

註2: 照顧自閉症或其他有心理障礙的孩子,得有特殊的教導方式才能夠應付

Definition of terminology:

Parentsshared that although autism was an invisible condition, they, in fact, made itvisible in their constant battles to ensure that their child received the bestquality of life within a community that supported and valued their child.Parents emphasized that the invisibility of autism made it difficult to obtaina diagnosis, gain needed support, and explain their child's behaviors. (adopted from The Lived Experience of Parenting a Child With Autism in a Rural Area: Making The Invisible, Visible)

invisible: 自閉症或身心障礙是看不見的、父母得做到的職責

visible: 要讓大家知道,父母或相關機構才能讓孩子獲得保障,自閉症小孩本和一般孩子的情形不同,容易被誤認為是壞小孩。

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